Thursday, 30 May 2013

Peppermint Tart


I handed in my first "take-home" exam for my Honours degree today, oh the relief ! So I thought I'd reward myself with some home-made peppermint tart for all my hard work, ha ! This is the first time I made peppermint tart so I was quite worried that it would be a flop, nevertheless it was quite a success, whoo. I'm not much of a baker, but i had tons of fun last night, I managed to get tart everywhere, on my boyfriend's fridge, laptop, on me and a friend of ours haha!
I decided on this tart because its really quick and easy to make and its by far my favourite tart !! (and I needed to get back to my exam, ha!)

Right, so this is what you'll need to get going:

2 packs of Tennis Biscuits
1 can of caramel (I use Nestle, feel free to use any other brand though)
1 slab of mint crisp chocolate
1 box of Orley Whip (there is two sachets in a box)


Pack the bottom of the Pyrex dish (or any 'fridge-able' dish) with one layer of tennis biscuits and grate the slab of chocolate into separate side plate. Empty the contents (both sachets) of Orley Whip into your mixing bowl and mix it until it begins to get stiff. Then empty your can of caramel into the Orley Whip mixture and mix it some more until that gets stiff (be careful not to make it too stiff as you may need to be able to spread it). You may of course throw some of the grated chocolate into the mixture while mixing, for that extra pepperminty taste (I did that and its great, definitely gives it that missing spark)!

Once the mixture is set to your liking, you will need to empty half of the batter into the Pyrex dish and spread it evenly across the surface. Once that's done, pack another layer of tennis biscuits and then empty the the rest of the batter over the second layer of tennis biscuits and spread evenly. Now you get to sprinkle the remaining peppermint chocolate over the surface, I am a BIG chocolate fan, so I tend to over-do the whole chocolate thing :) its good either way, ha!). Finally, you will need to cover the tart with foil/cling wrap, pop it into the fridge and let it set over night :).

I had my slice with a warm cup of coffee, cuddled under a blankie, as it is raining so hard today.

If any of you try this, please let me know how it comes out !

Follow me on Twitter @CaelliBriesies


1 comment:

  1. This is the one thing I'm willing to sell my soul for - Love me some peppermint tart.
